Threesome: A Play in One Act

A trilingual edition in English, German and Indonesian

E-Book - Threesome: A Play in One Act - Cover

by Joned Suryatmoko

German title: Dreisamkeit - Ein Akt zu dritt

Indonesian title: Lakon Bertiga

Set in a small hotel in Yogyakarta, this play is a tale of thwarted aspirations and the mundane realities of adult life. It is also a commentary on the fluidity of sexual behavior as one female and two male characters try to ascertain the meaning of their relations with one another.

Lontar, Oct. 5, 2015, 194 pages
Languages: English, German, Indonesian
Translators: Jan Budweg, John McGlynn
ISBNs: 9786026978417 (MOBI), 9786026978165 (EPUB), 9786026978660 (PDF), 9786029144918 (PRINT)
Keywords: Theaterstück, play, Indonesien, Indonesia, Beziehung, Liebe, love

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