The Story of Kadirun

E-Book - The Story of Kadirun - Cover

by Semaoen

In the early 1910s, Semaoen was sentenced to prison for sedition by the Dutch colonial government. The Story of Kadirun, a semi-autobiographical novel, reveals with honesty and comprehensive insight the unjust treatment towards the indigenous people from a historical perspective. Kadirun’s tale, with its picture of the life of the Javanese during the colonial era, tells the readers what must be done to make the world a place fit to live in.

The Lontar Foundation, Oct. 5, 2015, 220 pages
Languages: English
Translators: Jan Lingard, Ian Campbell, Marcus Susanto, Adrian Vickers
ISBNs: 9786029144284 (PRINT), 9789881463982 (EBOOK)
Keywords: Lontar, Modern Library of Indonesia, history, colonialism, aborigines, natives

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