The Red Bowl & Other Stories

A trilingual edition in English, German and Indonesian

E-Book - The Red Bowl & Other Stories - Cover

by Zen Hae

German title: Die Rote Schüssel und andere Erzählungen

Indonesian title: Mangkok Merah dan cerita lainnya

Zen Hae’s stories focus on Betawi people –the original inhabitans of Jakarta. His characters, often presented in empathetic descriptions, are common people: scavengers, land brokers, traditional artists and the like; people whose lives and fates are constantly being tested in the face of massive development and modernity.

Lontar, Oct. 5, 2015, 107 pages
Languages: English, German, Indonesian
Translators: Joshua Ramon Enslin, Marjie Suanda
ISBNs: 9786026978523 (MOBI), 9786026978271 (EPUB), 9786026978776 (PDF), 9786026978028 (PRINT)
Keywords: Indonesien, Indonesia, Short Stories, Kurzgeschichten, Erzählungen, Literatur, Asien

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