Grave Sin No. 14 & Other Stories

A trilingual edition in English, German and Indonesian

E-Book - Grave Sin No. 14 & Other Stories - Cover

by Yusi Avianto Pareanom

A trilingual edition in English, German and Indonesian

German title: Große Sünde Nr. 14 und andere Erzählungen

Indonesian title: Dosa Besar No. 14 dan cerita lainnya

Yusi Avianto Pareanom’s fictional characters are inseparable from their environment and cultural norms. The plots of these stories are no less idiosyncratic than their themes. With their focus on the urban environment, the lifestyles of the middle-class, and popular culture, the stories in this selection will appeal to of both serious and popular literature.

Lontar, Oct. 5, 2015, 240 pages
Languages: English, German, Indonesian
Translators: Pamela Allen, Suzanne Ongkowidjaja
ISBNs: 9786026978509 (MOBI), 9786026978257 (EPUB), 9786026978752 (PDF), 9786026978004 (PRINT)
Keywords: Indonesien, Indonesia, Short Stories, Kurzgeschichten, Erzählungen, Literatur, modern, Asien

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