From Batavia to Jakarta in Poetry

A trilingual edition in English, German and Indonesian

E-Book - From Batavia to Jakarta in Poetry - Cover

by Zeffry J. Alkatiri

German Title: Von Batavia bis Jakarta in Gedichten

Indonesian Title: Dari Batavia ke Jakarta dalam Sajak dan puisi lainnya

Zeffry Alkatiri’s poetry collection is a romp through history in verse. These poems are flashes of past events that are unrolled to form a historical mosaic of Indonesia’s capital city. Starting with the Dutch turning Jakatra into Batavia, the poems paint a unique picture of the development Jakarta has undergone to date.

Lontar, Oct. 5, 2015, 55 pages
Languages: English, German, Indonesian
Translators: Deborah Cole, Michael Groß
ISBNs: 9786026978516 (MOBI), 9786026978264 (EPUB), 9786026978769 (PDF), 9786026978011 (PRINT)
Keywords: Indonesia, history, poetry, Indonesien, Gedichte, Literatur, Geschichte

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