Borrowed Body & Other Poems

A trilingual edition in English, German and Indonesian

E-Book - Borrowed Body & Other Poems - Cover

by Joko Pinurbo

German title: Der geliehene Körper und andere Gedichte

Indonesian title: Tubuh Pinjaman dan puisi lainnya

Joko Pinurbo’s poetry is immediately recognizable for its simple language, accessibility, and the recurrent use of a number of specific but unusual motifs. His poems deal with a wide range of interpersonal relationships, with figures who engage in prosaic narratives that are deeply ironic, full of dark humor, and interwoven with nostalgia.

Lontar, Oct. 5, 2015, 61 pages
Languages: English, German, Indonesian
Translators: Harry Aveling, Helga Blazy
ISBNs: 9786026978400 (MOBI), 9786026978158 (EPUB), 9786026978653 (PDF), 9786029144901 (PRINT)
Keywords: Indonesia, Indonesien, Gedichte, Poetry, Geschichten, schwarzer Humor, black humor

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